Why don't people like you?

Last night, I was thinking about reasons why people don't like me. I also thought of some things that I assume people don't like about me just based on their reactions or behaviors towards me.

These thoughts stem from a conversation I had with a superior who critiqued the way I prepare for court cases. We both had the same end result/conclusion, just a different process and way of getting there (although, I'll have to say, I was more thorough and organized than they were). But I was so confused by their remarks. It felt like a personal attack on something that has nothing to do with them...but it got me thinking...a lot of things that I think are "positive" qualities about myself are actually "negative" qualities in the eyes of other people.

So, why don't people like you? Do you have a certain behavior or character trait that you think is positive, but maybe others judge you for? I personally have a long list, but would love to see what others say.