Did I have a panick attack?
I've never used trigger warnings before but this might be triggering, so, TW!
I'm asking this because although I've cried many times before this time was just very different and I really want to know if this was a breakdown/panic attack/something else.
So last night, I was crying but I just couldn't stop, like no matter what, I couldn't. I would tell myself stuff like "I'm okay", "That's not true", "I can do it", and try a million different positive affirmations or scenarios but I still couldn't stop, I even struggled to breathe a little bit, like I would have to intentionally take huge breaths from my mouth to breathe, and there was a tightness in my chest/in the middle of my chest. At some point, I was fidgeting and my legs wanted to move too. I tried that 5-4-3-2-1 technique where you name 5 things you see and so on, DID NOT WORK FOR A SECOND (I literally shamed myself for not being able to point out 3 things I can hear 💀). After whatever this was, or maybe when this started to subside, I was soooo tired, I feel asleep INSTANTLY.
This was also maybe one of the few times I had self harm/suicidal thoughts, so I'm really worried. Please help me out.