What compliments do men prefer.
I’m (F22) wanting to work more on uplifting my bf (M24) and I tell him the basics like I think he’s attractive and I appreciate the things he does and I try to do little things for him. I’m just looking to see if there are different types of compliments he would rather get from me to make him feel better.
I know it seems easy to think of things but as a female compliments to men have always just been advertised as sexual or basic and I wanna be more creative to help lift him up. I don’t want to be basic. Is there any specific areas you prefer to be uplifted in or different ways that aren’t sexual that make you feel good about yourself? Or even anything you wish you would hear from people more often?
EDIT TO ADD; not looking to be rude but I’m not really looking for female advice on this question. I’d prefer to hear from the men on what they like to hear.