After Show - Sutton, Boz and Dorit
I'm back with my unpopular opinion once again... but can anybody who's been watching the After Show explain to me, as to why Dorit and Boz are so obsessed with Sutton, meanwhile, none of the other ladies are even talking about Dorit or Boz.
The After Show that aired after last week's Episode, had Boz coming hard for Sutton for not informing the ladies that she's going to meet her mother. Boz said that Sutton was the one who initiated the Sister Circle moment, so Sutton should've informed them that she's going to meet her mother.
I don't understand how the two things are connected. Just cause Sutton said that the group were now sisters and that they can all say what they want to each other freely, without the risk of being ostracized. What does this statement have to do with Sutton visiting her mom with people she chooses to do so with?
Why does Boz care so much about this?
On the After Show, which aired after yesterday's episode, Dorit says that Sutton thought Boz's guy was Red Flags... Boz responded with, "Sutton doesn't know what a red flag or any color flag is"... Dorit says it's cause Sutton is miserable and misery loves company.
So, Dorit who's married to PK and is trashing her husband for a storyline and then backpedaling in ALL her interviews (watch any of them on YT), knows Red Flags... PK entered the show looking up Erika's skirt... and Dorit doubled down saying that he's obviously going to look if it's right in front of him.
Boz, who has stated that the previous guy she was dating turned out to be an ass. Boz, who's planning to have a baby with a guy on the show, who hasn't said "I love you" to her yet, is talking about red flags.
I could be wrong, but the numerous comments I've seen on this sub itself, whether they like Boz or not, all seem to think Keely is red flags. Are we all miserable people?
Boz's storyline this entire season has been to do Dorit's bidding. She has not built any relationships with any of the other ladies... she's blindly backing Dorit... whether she's right or wrong. Boz doesn't seem to understand nuance and backstory and baggage. On the After Show, no matter how rude Dorit is about Sutton and the other ladies, Boz is just nodding along, which I take as her agreeing with Dorit.
When Annemarie was blindly doing Kyle's bidding and taking up for Kyle last year, I remember a lot of you'll hated her for it... but Boz seems to just keep getting a pass for doing the same.
Boz is coming hard for Sutton for no goddamn reason, and if you watch the After Show, you will see Dorit and Boz bring up Sutton EVERY SINGLE EPISODE, on things that she apparently said off camera, that we haven't even watched. In my opinion Sutton is right about PK and she's right about Keely.
Dorit and PK are still not divorced and I'm going to bet, Dorit is going to make this her storyline for the next season as well and will milk this for all it's worth.
In a snippet posted by Bravo, of the next weeks episode, we see that Dorit brings up Sutton's drinking again and Sutton then calls her a bitch. It cuts to Sutton's confessionals, where she says that Dorit never apologized to her for insinuating that Sutton has a drinking problem on the show... it then cuts to Dorit's confessionals where she's pissed that Garcelle and Kyle follow Sutton, when she walks out of Dorit's house, because she's upset they are following a cry baby and hope they have a drink in their hand for her.
The fact that Dorit did this, knowing that PK was in fact an alcoholic, makes Dorit a beyond shitty person, but for some reason, because she came for Kyle in the first few episodes, y'all don't want to have this conversation.
Thank you for reading.