PSA to associates at a DSO, any other other office, or even dental students: nobody can MAKE you do anything.

Saw the post about a DSO trying to make someone do molar endo.

If you're not comfortable doing the procedure, tell them you're not gonna do it. They can't fire you for not doing something you either don't know how to do, haven't done before, have little experience doing, or don't feel confident in doing well.

If I was in the middle of nowhere at the only employer within 500 miles and I needed the money desperately, I'd let the patient know that I've never done this procedure and see how comfortable they are with it.

Anyone who tries to force you to do anything, whether at work or in life, they can pound sand, touch grass, fuck themselves, or any combination thereof.

I got paid ridiculously well for an associate where I was at, but when they start putting 30 patients in your schedule every day, 3 to 4 hygiene columns, and insinuate I don't have a choice in how I do my job, I referred patients out left and right, did what I was comfortable with, and looked for an office to buy.

Even making "less" as an owner is more than what an associate takes home.

Fuck anyone who thinks they can force you to do anything.

If you think you can't be an owner, you can. People dumber than you are crushing it, like I've seen someone say. Assuming you've good credit, you'll get a loan, even if barely out of school.

Even if it's a headache, it's your headache.

I feel for ya'll.