How do you temporize this?


Patient presented with a loose 11 crown. I removed it to assess restorability. There is buccal and lingual ferrule 2-3mm, though not much interproximal. The core and rest of the tooth is fractured and inside the crown.

How would you temporize a tooth like this? There’s just enough structure to do post, core, and new crown.

I recemented the old crown with difficulty (and who knows how long it will hold; that little section of GP is doing a lot of heavy lifting retention-wise haha).

In the past with other cases, I’ve made an Essix with the crown inside, but maybe there’s another way that is less expensive for the pt and not as time-consuming? Other than doing an esthetic buildup with composite, which I suppose is another option and is what we sometimes did in dental school (I graduated 2 years ago).

Thanks in advance!

We’ve got him on our short notice list, but our office is crazy busy and he may not get in for over a month.