Existential questions for ENFPs

Hello my fellow ENFPs! Many of you I met irl lean democrat, while INTJs are more conservative. It made me wonder how much the different cognitive functions influence the philosophy of an individual. So I prepared many questions for you, I want to see something.

1) Do you consider AI a threat to Mankind? Or are you open to its fully unregulated development?

2) Do you think Onlyfan is unethical? What about promiscuity and sex work?

3) Is immortality a bad or good thing? Does death give meaning to life? Would you eat an immortality pill without the possibility of going back?

4) Are you vaccinated? Are vaccines bad?

5) Aesthetically, are you a sci-fi or fantasy person?

6) Do you believe in reincarnation and past lives? If yes, can you describe your past lives?

7) Should we regulate free speech? If yes, to which extent?

8) What is the path to peace? Diplomacy and communication, or "mutual assured destruction" (nuclear deterrence)?

9) What is the most fulfilling, a hedonistic life or a grinding one with purpose?

10) Who is your favorite philosopher?

Thank you for those who will take time to answer!