Anybody read any Emil Cioran? Your thoughts?

Sorry if this belongs in the Nihilism group. I discovered Emil Cioran through the amazing Philosophize This podcast and have been slowly reading through Emil Cioran’s “The Trouble With Being Born”.

It’s been a challenging read primarily because you have to read it so differently to pretty much any other book. You have to actively turn off some very basic mental activities you aren’t even aware of when you read. First, you have to turn off the default to try to make what he writes somehow make sense with or connect to what he writes next. Cioran writes in little unconnected journal entries that have little to nothing to do with each other. Second, you have to switch off the assumption that Cioran has a unified philosophical construct or even value system within which everything can be understood. Cioran will contradict himself back and forth and sometimes just not even make sense. Finally, sometimes I feel like Cioran has “gone too far” in his perspective, but I have to remember times when my own thinking was unbalanced in a moment when my emotions were heightened or my perspective was focused on a certain circumstance. I have to always remember that Cioran is not interested in describing “how things are” but only how he is experiencing them in just that moment.

In short, you almost have to shut off the need for the writing to “make sense” and let it wash over you and try to “feel” it or connect to his experience in an existential way.

Anyone with any experience reading Cioran?