I Saw Lifetime's new trailer. Now, I understand (as I am a parent and was there for my child’s birth) that you could change clothes and whatnot but does this look as if it was sooner than what we were made to believe by gay Ken’s post about the baby being born? Like for all we know that baby was born on the 28th of December ( I highly doubt it) and this is the 29th. Didn’t dipshit say there were no cameras? Lets talk.
I Saw Lifetime's new trailer. Now, I understand (as I am a parent and was there for my child’s birth) that you could change clothes and whatnot but does this look as if it was sooner than what we were made to believe by gay Ken’s post about the baby being born? Like for all we know that baby was born on the 28th of December ( I highly doubt it) and this is the 29th. Didn’t dipshit say there were no cameras? Lets talk.