Seasons and Histamines

Anyone feel like they lose their mind during spring and fall allergy season? I'm not officially diagnosed with MCAS but I feel like I can check a lot of the boxes so it's something I'm looking into. My worse symptoms seem to present as itchy , crawling skin and depression/anxiety. My last major depressive/anxious/mood swings gallore episode was transitioning into fall, and now at the peak of spring my mental stability has plummeted. I'm wondering if there's a correlation. I started Ketotifen about 2 months ago but my doctor only wrote the script for a month so I couldn't refill more than 1 month after that without needing my doc to write a new script. Waiting for an appointment so I haven't been taking the usual dose. I think that's messed things up to. Ketotifen was working wonders for histamines in food for me. Has anyone else noticed this pattern?