Am I washed up already 😭

Hey everyone - just found this sub and love that there’s a community for us queens 💅!

So I ended season 1 at GM3 maining psylocke at a 66% winrate and an overall 60% win rate in comp. I started playing comp again in the new s1.5 and immediately went on a losing streak. I dropped to diamond 2 and went back to diamond 1 this morning. I have lost all of my psylocke games. Idk what happened, am I already washed up? 😭 I feel like I couldn’t find good openings to get kills and when I did, I couldn’t land the final hit. Some of my diamond and GM friends are experiencing a similar losing trend in their games. I am feeling crazy.

Side note: would love more to have vanguard friends to play with 👀! My main is Tizanic and I have a Smurf I occasionally started playing at silver 3.