Male in Massage school..

Hi so to keep this short and to the point while venting my annoyance for my school’s administration. We have 100 hours of clinical hands on the public. I live in a place with a good population of elderly people.

I’m a very fit and healthy (no one else in my massage college is near my level of health) 29 year old man. I’m pretty easy on the eyes as far as appearances. I’ve noticed a trend now that my clinic hours are being entirely booked out by repeat regulars who are older woman 50-70s. They all want light touch and I’m the exact opposite therapist that they would actually need. I can’t even put the full weight of my arms at resting position on them for the pressure is too much. I’m the strongest person in the clinic and prefer deep pressure to use my natural skills and strength. It wouldn’t be an issue if 75% of my bookable hours weren’t repeat clients whom I can barely apply pressure to.

For example.. the front desk booked a common regular to the clinic with special notes that she can only have the lightest possible touch due to medical reasons. Why would they schedule this client with me out of all people?.. my other classmates consistently recommend deep pressure clients to see me instead of them.

Anyways… so I put myself in strain and pain doing this finger brushing light touch on this woman. 50 minutes of torture for me. She then went to the front desk after and when I asked if she booked with me since I heard multiple dates that I’m in clinic… the facilitator said yes she booked ALOT of sessions weekly with me. I expressed my concern and distress with me not being the therapist for her specific needs but they said she specifically requested me and that they’ll “see what they can do”.

This is just one example but I feel as if I’m being used for my touch and appearance rather than my skillset and ability to apply deep pressure. I feel like a caged animal lightly stroking these older women.

Any thoughts or advice?

EDIT****** Because there’s clear misunderstanding. I’m not upset for doing light pressure or Swedish, that’s fine with me and understand the healing benefits of such touch. I’m a reiki master and have 10 years in energy healing modalities. I’m not bad at light touch, I’d say I do pretty well. I’m annoyed because I FEEL my school clinic experience of learning NEW bodies is stunted because of all the repeat clients who want more “petting” style of touch. And the comments made by these women make it very apparent why they are there. There are plenty of female cohorts that believe there are repeat guys coming to them for the same sexual reasons. I guess im just venting at the flaws or mismanagement of our clinic. But appreciate all the in depth helpful feedback, thank you.