I fainted at clinicals
Hello, I am a first semester nursing student and I fainted at my 3rd day of clinicals. I was in a pt room with another student and a resident nurse. The nurse was cleaning a wound that has some bleeding and was going to give the pt decadron via IV. I was fine during the wound care and the nurse had already gave the pt decadron and was flushing the IV. I suddenly fainted for 30 secs or less. I’m honestly embarrassed about this whole situation. I was wheeled down to the ER. I got an ekg, labs, and iv done. So at the moment I am waiting to get discharged and papers to say that I am able to return to clinical and drive home.
update: I’m doing fine my head obviously hurts bc I fell on it. I was able to return to clinical and drive home safely. I read every single response and I’m glad to know that me fainting today isn’t a sign for me to give up nursing. Hopefully my foundation instructor won’t penalize me for missing 2 clinical hours.