8 days until the UCAT - do I cancel?

Honestly, I misunderstood from the start. I have not practiced nearly as much as I should've, I spent the first like... just under 2 weeks or something watching tutorials because I only did an hour or 2 a day, and watched the Medify ones and made loads of notes (they're really long 😭). They turned out to be nowhere as useful as I thought. Then I went on holiday for a week, thinking I'd practice UCAT there a bit, didn't end up doing so as it's useless on the phone and I got busy most of the time (as well as getting ill for the first half of the week >:(( ) Came back and I've been doing a bit each day, going full at it some days and not so much others because work and such. Now, my exam is on the 16th and I did a Medify mock, getting 2400 + Band 2 in SJT. (Score breakdown, 590 in VR, 590 in DM, 600 in QR. 620 in AR). This was the Medify mock 2 - Revised. To me, it doesn't seem like I'll be getting a very competitive score, so right now I'm thinking my options are either:
A) Just carry on practicing like mad, try my best on my exam and then see what comes of it. If I get around 2400-2500 apply to med as well as apprenticeships and stuff.
B) Cancel the UCAT, use the time that I would've spent revising for it to instead gather more work experience and do driving lessons in order to be able to apply for EMT/Paramedic apprenticeship (or other).

Not sure how much I'd be able to improve in 8 days so if anyone has tips/advice, I'd appreciate that a lot.