How quickly should I accept my offer?

I just got an offer for Bachelor of Veterinary Science admission from UQ.

I would really like to accept the offer, but at the same time I also wanna wait until other schools I applied release the results.

Problem is that the number of seats in the program is limited, and I might end up not being able to accept it if I wait too long.

If I accept it now and change my mind, will I get my deposit + fees back? Does anyone have any experience about this kinda stuff? I review the school's refund policies and it said I will get a full refund as long as I cancel it before the census day. Does anyone know when the census day is? (The school website said it varies according to what courses I registered but I haven't registered for any obviously.) The wordings in the policy page was bit complicated to me. If there is any cancelation fee, do you know how much it will be?

Lastly, if you attended UQ or attending it now and you have any idea about why I should / shouldn't accept the offer, please let me know.