The Golden Buddha as it Applies to My Life.

I just wanted to share this story, as it has helped me communicate my perspective on AA.

In 1957 outside of Bangkok, Thailand, a Buddhist temple was being relocated to make way for a new highway. One of the major features of the temple was a tremedous clay statue of Buddha. They attempted to move the statue with a crane but during the move, it looked as if the statue might be being damaged, so it was put down to come up with a different strategy. It was covered with a tarp to protect it from the weather.
During the night, the monk tasked with guarding it looked under the tarp with his flashlight and saw light being reflected from within the cracks. After investigating and chipping away at the clay, it was discovered that beneath the clay was a statue of solid gold. It is believed the monks had covered the statue in clay to protect it from the attacking Burmese army hundreds of years prior.

I believe that we are like the golden Buddha. They clay represents the coping mechanisms, shortcomings, and character defects, including substance use, that we have developed to help us protect ourselves from the world that we have difficulty adapting to. They seemingly were useful at the time, but they no longer serve us.

Alcoholics Anonymous, meaning the fellowship and the program, serve as the hammer and the chisel. Wielded by my Higher Power, they are the tool used to reveal my golden Buddha; That is who I truly am, and who my HP intends me to be. To me, my journey has been one of creating a life I don't need to escape from. One that doesn't need more clay.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope it has been interesting at the very least. Yes, it is a true story. Let your golden light shine through, friends.