Unsure about bupropion
I’ve been on 200mg of bupropion for 4 weeks now. The anxiety has really been wearing on me. I’ve also been struggling a lot with brain fog and this general weird off feeling in my head. My cognition feels impaired and I’m generally more socially awkward since starting this med. It’s really messing with me and I’m not myself at a time when I really need to be on top of things. I think there’s been some subtle improvement in my depression, but the anxiety pretty much overrules any of that. It’s really been interfering with my ability to fully do all the things I want and need to do in my life right now. I see my psych in a couple days. I really need to figure out what to do here because I’m gonna start a new job soon and this time is important. Hydroxyzine and gabapentin together don’t get to the anxiety. Was thinking about asking to try out buspirone for the anxiety? Maybe adding an ssri with it? Maybe asking about auvelity? Lowering my dosage? Upping my dosage? Taking my dose at a different time? I don’t know but could use some opinions here. I was optimistic getting on this drug and am trying to stay positive and ride things out, but I honestly I can’t handle these side effects if they don’t improve. I really still hope it works out and gets better, but I just don’t know right now