Ladies, can we work together on this?

I was just reading that post about asking for consent before a kiss and it was so disheartening. Tons of men saying most women, or real women don’t like to be asked. Despite the fact that I am a real woman who does not like to be surprise kissed. And I know many other real women who prefer to give consent rather than have their consent assumed.

So how about this: if you’re a woman who gets the ick when men ask for your consent, can you… not tell them that? Like, just tell them the vibe was off and move on to the next.

Hear me out. There are tons of men that will kiss you without asking. They’re a dime a dozen. Your next date will probably be that kind of guy. So, please just throw the men who ask for consent back into the pool without telling them they shouldn’t have asked. That way they won’t question themselves and stop asking, and the rest of us that like it can enjoy this type of man!! It’s win-win for all the women. What do you say ladies?