Dont bring a Nuke to a gun fight

So picture this: last boss of the raid. Snake comes our, hisses and then my screen goes white. Like totally white. I'm thinking WTH??? New bug? Weird crash?

No. Apparently a random in my team was spamming the snake with the fatman. And I do mean spamming. So much in fact that we couldnt even see the freakin snake... and its massive. Soooooo, after a short and agonizing death we retry. We're all saying no and swaping the fatman with the gat. So he changes to the gat.

We're all "great. He understood. Now lets kill this thing and go home", right?

Wrong. 5 s into the fight, fatman out and nuka spamming... wipeout again. So we kicked him... and he returned, made angry emotes, shot some nukes at us and then started the event alone while we were still in the workbench area.

I mean... im not usually the best player in the team. Hell Im probably bottom of the server most days. So if i do something stupid and im not pulling my weight, I understand if i get kicked. I wont like it... but i get it. But if you wipeout your team... twice... why do you get mad at being kicked? Did you not see it comming?

Or am I the AH here?