Third Interview Confusion Please help

I just had a third interview for an assistant planning manager position. Before this, I had one phone interview with the HR and another in-person one where I met the managers and they asked some behavioral and technical questions (excel case study) and that lasted an hour. I think I did well in the case study. After getting invited for this third interview I thought it would be more of a "formality" / "meet the team" kind of thing, and it's with the directors / senior people and its only half an hour online. That being said I still did some preparations with the behavioral questions they might ask

However this one is just like the 1st and 2nd one with a lot of general behavioral questions like why this company, describe a time when you disagree with a manager, what tools you use at work, how would you stand out from other candidates, etc., and they didn't even talk about the pay which I was very much expecting for a third interview. I think i was a little nervous too and it ended in 20 minutes :( I feel like my answers are "standard" but nothing really impressive... But what more can you expect from these basic questions especially they've been asked three times...

They told me they will be "interviewing more people in the next 1-2 weeks" and the hr will let me know the results by the end of next week. The idea that there is still competition after the third interview freaks me out...

Im really confused at this point as these are all very senior people and all they did was ask me basic questions and no discussion about the pay / team introduction at all. Before this interview I was 70% confident about getting this offer but now I'm really confused and not sure if I should be worried?
(It's a big company sizing thousands of employees across canada, so not some start up to be specific)

If anyone can offer some advice or insights it would be great. thanks!!