More Webfishing file discoveries! ( bug catching, boats etc! )

I mentioned some of this before in my previous post but here's some interesting files and things!

There are files in the game for placeholder icons Bugs1, Bugs2, item 2 and item 7 which appear to be early designs for a bug net and a shovel which I've seen some people have gotten in letters from hackers. Bugs1 and 2 are silly realistic images of a spider and a beetle but the code seems to indicate there will be far more bugs in the future!

Shovel icon

Net icon

There also appears to be code for a shovelling minigame, I haven't gotten screenshots of the code yet but this is the image for the shovel minigame bar! (sorry I'm not really knowledgeable about coding so it takes a while to look through it for the important parts fdjh)


there is quite a lot of code and assets present for implementing boats! here are some images of the models for the 3 boat tiers raft, small boat and yacht.


here is the interaction screen and the early model for the fish battling arena!

there is also code for this system which shows the betting system and fish health systems which I posted in my previous upload!

finally here's some random things in the files (I've just taken screenshots of the file names as I haven't had time to go through and take screenshots of code yet!) :

A painting system?

this file includes information about different brushes, pencil etc and is separate from the chalks.


there is very early code for tents and a model for the interior of a tent which is just a blank cube at the moment. I hope this is a little customizable home like animal crossing!

BUILDING (maybe)

there's some code for a build tool? I haven't had time to look into this yet but I'll take a look! I'm not sure about getting too excited for this yet though as this may just be a dev tool.

I'll keep looking through it to see if I can find anything interesting but I would encourage everyone to download godot engine and GDRE tools to see if you can find anything cool! (GDRE tools can be used to extract the .pack file in your steamapps webfishing folder and the godot engine can then be used to open the project file found inside ad look through everything!)

thanks for reading my post!