Lyrics against immigration ?
Theory : Tanya's money is cursed
HC has ruined me.
The guy who made this show is a GENIUS ?
The Sky, The Earth and All Inbetween - Megathread
Am I the only one that actually likes more the modern In Flames ?
Trance Metal recommendations ?
Top 3 songs from " I, the mask " ?
Why no one told me about Cyhra ?
Any other good Japanese melodic death metal bands?
I can’t stop listening to the new Halo Effect album!
How many caps you vape per session
I feel like a almost died IRL
Is Linkin Park overrated?
This is a Melodeath album through and through and I am tired of pretending its not
Can you clean the brush in iso or will it ruin it? My bristles are sticky
Hot take : WoW Classic has became as iconic as Lord of the Ring
What other genres would you suggest for someone who likes melodeath and power metal ?
Fav albums, and songs off those albums?
Saw a level 60 die from fall damage in TB, so I conducted an exit interview. thoughts on what he said?
Why people don't like Norther ?
Should I go to that festival ?
Imperanon - Shadowsouls (similar songs ?)
Friend died - paid leveling service to level him back to his same level (55). Am I wrong for not wanting to play with his boosted char?
My opinion on each new Majestica song, first listen at midnight