Where are these chill work from home jobs?
Are you living paycheck to paycheck?
"Have you thought about dating someone with a kid?"
Is it normal to fantasize about getting hurt on the job or on your lunch break so you can go home
What to do when there is nothing to do at work? I’m so bored.
Gotta love it
What do you do during your lunch break?
What are the most chill work from home jobs?
DAE feel completely useless when they’re not working?
How do you kill time at work?
what do you feel most grateful for today?
Anyone counting years until retirement
People who make, what do you?
Can you make it through the day without napping after 30?
I went to a party on the weekend and so many people openly said they were depressed because of their jobs. What kind of monstrous, hideous world have we built? How can we not conclude that society is regressing?
Does anybody else still have pimples in their twenties?
Anyone else just exhausted by politics right now? 😩
What does your perfect day look like? What stops you from having your perfect day?
Do you expect to get any inheritance?
DAE just accept they will be living at home forever?
How much sleep are you getting a night?
Why don't people like you?
Do you actually enjoy working?
What makes you wanna live 500 years?
What makes you truly happy?