I do virtual photography as a hobby. Here are some shots of Elden Ring that I took back in 2022. Enjoy :)
I do virtual photography as a hobby. Here's the first batch of screenshots that I took for Final Fantasy XVI on PC!
I just found an archive of every single issue of the Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine!
Found this cool artwork from a 1998 edition of Electronic Gaming Monthly
What is a game you have never beaten?
Can I see y’all best screen shot?
Sup! I recorded my own version of the Desert City Dazil music, including the chants. What do you think?
So it's finally over...
Done Set 3 is Now Available
FFVII Rebirth OST is amazing, but what are your favorite tracks and why is 'Toward Mt. Nibel' the best one?
What device are you waiting for that you will buy instantly?
FF7 Rebirth Falls Short - Not Even a Week After Release, It’s #35 on Steam Worldwide Charts With a Discount
For those who have seen part 1. The cat broke in again...
Rate my cat
Ever notice that sephiroth is left handed?
How Did You Get To Know Final Fantasy For The Very First Time, What Is Your Story?
RP5 owner switching to RP Mini
Queen's Blood players. What's your strategy?
What Game's Visuals Made Your Jaw Drop?
For me FF can stay a character action game.
Super5 Oled touch arrived
FF7 Rebirth Performance Issues