Abundant Life Christian School shooter officially identified as 15-year-old Natalie "Samantha" Rupnow
Video of emergency response to reported mass shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin. At least five people are injured. (Happening now)
i like making people sad
Is it normal to want to kill people?
The cuck dream
I suffered a spinal cord injury and now my wife gets to sleep with other men
What Serial Killer Or Mass Murderer Gives You The Most Nightmares Or Creeps You Out The Most And Why?
This is Clefty. You can see why. He came to us with that name.
What is the most heartbreaking story you have heard?
The Blue Whale Challange, can you play it now?
My first pet since I was a kid. Absolute love.
12 more facts about mass / school shooters (w/ references in comments)
Today marks 35 years since Marc Lépine shot and killed 14 women and injured 14 other people at the École Polytechnique de Montréal in Montreal, Quebec, Canada before killing himself
Some tweets from Randy Stair I found in my archived folder
Why is it considered taboo for adults to drink human milk ,while we commonly drink cows milk ?
Roommate says it’s the neatest handwriting she’s seen for a dude. I think it’s messy, but what’s it say about me??
Hammer attack at San Andrés Preparatory School in Guadalajara, Mexico. 2 injured, 17yo perpetrator arrested
How do criminals view death?
Hey, spirits. Do you like furries?
found this on instagram :|
The most attractive thing a man can do is ______
What police found during a search of Elliot Rodger's apartment, the perpetrator of the 2014 Isla Vista shooting
My fursona is a ___!
Hey spirits, whats your favorite jolly rancher flavor?
I walked into a room full of people chanting _________ as if under a trance.
Idk what to do. I told my mom i’m ____, now she won’t even look at me.